As a valued supporter of the show, you gain access to an exclusive morning preview, followed by the renowned Gala Evening, a unique art celebration in Aotearoa unlike any other celebrating with 1,200 guests. This event serves as a perfect occasion to express your gratitude to your business community. The Gala Evening is exclusive to exhibiting artists, sponsors, NZ Art Show Friends and supporters. You will enjoy delicious canapes, complimentary bar service throughout the evening, live music and all art for sale.

Sponsors get tickets to all the events including the VIP morning, The Gala Evening and the Show. We offer a range of packages to accommodate various budgets, with options including Gold, Silver, and Bronze packages designed for groups ranging from 20 guests to 200. All hospitality and entertainment included.


The support of our sponsors is critical to the success of the NZ Art Show, and we are grateful to be partnered with exceptional organizations who sponsor the show.
Their generous assistance helps sustain the vibrant arts community and enables us to produce a world-class event that all New Zealanders can take pride in.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Corporate Host